English version
E. Verlindeさんの講義に登場する宇宙の話題III(in Japanese)
CDM/MOND duality through Holography (in English)
In this article there is a preprint that mention about E. Verlinde's entropic gravity theory from viewpoint of MOND, which is the following.
返信削除"Cold Dark Matter with MOND Scaling" arXiv:1005.3537v3
Chiu Man Ho, Djordje Minic, Y. Jack Ng
We provide a holographic dual description of Milgrom's scaling associated with galactic rotation curves. Our argument is based on the recent entropic reinterpretation of Newton's laws of motion. We propose a duality between cold dark matter and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We introduce the concept of MONDian dark matter, and discuss some of its phenomenological implications. At cluster as well as cosmological scales, the MONDian dark matter would behave as cold dark matter, but at the galactic scale, the MONDian dark matter would act as MOND.