Lieven le bruyn先生の「非可換幾何学とRiemannゼータ函数」の9つの一連のブログを日本語化して、掲載いたします。趣旨説明の中に項目を記載いたしました。(字下げした部分はLieven先生の原文へのリンクです)
第1話:「Bost-Connes コセット空間」
"the Bost-Connes coset space"
第2話:「Bost-Connes Hecke 環」
"the Bost-Connes Hecke algebra"
第3話:「環理論研究者のためのBost-Connes 環」
"Bost-Connes for ringtheorists"
第4話:「BCは双クリスタリン次数付き(Bi-Crystalline graded)のBC」
BC stands for Bi-Crystalline graded
"adeles and ideles"
"Chinese remainders and adele classes"
"abc on adelic Bost-Connes"
"God given time"
第9話:「KMS状態, Gibbs 状態とゼータ函数」
KMS, Gibbs & zeta function
返信削除arxiv:1101.3116 "Physics of the Riemann Hypothesis"は、タイトルのとおり、物理とRiemann予想の歴史を扱っています。
I Introduction
II Historical background and 'Mathematical necessities'
III Connections to physics
A. Classical mechanics
B. Quantum mechanics
1. Scattering state models
2. Bound State models
C. Nuclear physics
D. Condensed matter physics
E. Statistical physics
IV Concluseion
I think that the 8-th short story in this page is very important for the time reversal transformation.
返信削除Although there are many debates about it in physics the time reversal is explicit as some phenomena. For example, Newton equation, General relativity, and Schr"odinger equation are invariant under the time reversal transformation.
In number theory, the time reversal transformation is rather ambiguous. Many mathematician agree with the conjecture that says a certain kind of distribution of prime numbers or Riemann zeros would become GUE due to random matrix theory, which means the time reversal symmetry breaking. But this is not theorem but a only conjecture.
7 Mar. 2014
返信削除Connes & Marcolliを眺めていて、最もポイントとなる議論は、
J.-B. Bost and A. Connes, Hecke Algebras, Type III factors and phase
transitions with spontaneous symmetry breaking in number theory, Se-
lecta Mathematica, New Series 1, No.3 (1995), 411-457
であり、この内容に対応している部分が、Connes & Marcolliでは、Chapter 3の
4.5. Class field theory and the Kronecker–Weber theorem p-470
4.6. KMS states and class field theory p-474
のような気がしてきた。BC-systemは、Kronecker-Weberの定理(Abelian Extension)の部分にある、確かにautomorphismは1次元である.
In this paper, we construct a natural C^*-dynamical system whose partition function is the Riemann zeta function. Our constructin is general and associates to an inclusion of rings (under a suitable finiteniss assumption) an inclusion of discrete groups (the associated ax+b groups) and the corresponding Hecke algebras of bi-invariant finctions. The latter algebra is endowed with a canonical one parameter group of automoorphisms measureing the lack of normality of the subgroup. The inclusion of rings Z\subset Q provides the desired C^*-dynamical system, which admits the zeta function as partition function and the Galois gourp Gal(Q-{cycl}/Q) of the cyclotomic extension Q^{cycl} of Q as symmetry group. More over it exhibits a phse transision with spontaneous symmetry breaking at inverse temperature \beta=1. The original motivation for these results comes from the work of B.Julia.