English version
この記事の紹介は10月29日にポストしたものですが、タイトルが「FQXiの記事」として、何が言いたいのか不明でしたので、再度タイトルを付け替えて、掲載します。量子重力理論で、de Sitter空間上の波動函数が重要なのだということ、Maloneyさんが研究していて、FQXiが支援していますという趣旨です。実はStromingerさんの「量子力学の5つの課題」にも提示されている問題です。
The Holographic Universe (in English)
The Holographic Universe【ほぼ対訳】
返信削除Maloneyさんのarxivに提出された論文、3次元の正の宇宙定数を持つ空間=de Sitter空間の議論があります。
返信削除1. arXiv:1105.4733 "Quantum Topologically Massive Gravity in de Sitter Space" lejandra Castro, Nima Lashkari, Alexander Maloney
Comments: 25 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
2. arXiv:1103.4620 "A de Sitter Farey Tail"
Alejandra Castro, Nima Lashkari, Alexander Maloney
Comments: 48 pages, 2 figures
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
Today I taught from my friend Maldacena propose a new idea for treee level probability measure on both of de-Sitter and anti-de-Sitter space.
返信削除arxiv: 1105.5632
"Einstein Gravity from Conformal Gravity"
Juan Maldacena
abstruct : We show that that four dimensional conformal gravity plus a simple Neumann boundary
condition can be used to get the semiclassical (or tree level) wavefunction of the universe
of four dimensional asymptotically de-Sitter or Euclidean anti-de Sitter spacetimes. This
simple Neumann boundary condition selects the Einstein solution out of the more numerous
solutions of conformal gravity. It thus removes the ghosts of conformal gravity from
this computation.
In the case of a five dimensional pure gravity theory with a positive cosmological
constant we show that the late time superhorizon tree level probability measure, |\Psi[g]|^2,
for its four dimensional spatial slices is given by the action of Euclidean four dimensional
conformal gravity.